Harris Paints & BH Paints

Harris Paints Continues to Give Back to the Community

January 29, 2013 2 min read

Sister Antonio chatting with harris paints staff members

The Harris Paints St. Lucia team were busy bees over the Christmas and New Year period as they dispensed tangible Christmas cheer to those in need. Leading up to Christmas, the group from Harris Paints decided to assist Moses Ragwanan, a young 29 year-old man who lost the use of his legs in a car accident 4 years ago. He presently lives with his parents in a modest home in Vieux Fort where his mother sleeps in his room on a small cot, to be able to take care of his round the clock needs. His small room had no storage and very few of the amenities that are required for comfortable living especially for someone who is unable to get up and get-around. In addition there was a leaky roof which meant that he often got wet when it rained. To assist in his care he needed an over-the-bed table which would make it easier for him to eat and read plus a push cart on wheels to facilitate his mother bathing him and ensuring that he was clean. This is where the Harris Paints team stepped in. In association with the popular TV show DesignStyle, they donated paint and helped to create a complete makeover of the bedroom for Moses. As a further gesture, the staff collected and put together 3 hefty Christmas hampers and presented them to Moses and his family days before Christmas. He was very appreciative of the gesture and the time spent with him, as he mentioned that the confines of his previous room did not allow for visitors. Another community activity that was recently undertaken by the Harris St. Lucia Team was a generous donation of clothing and lunch box items to the children of the Holy Family Children's Home. It is a task they find particularly satisfying as this is the third time they have done it. Sister Antonia â the nun in charge of the home - explained that the children grow out of their clothes so fast that it sometimes is hard to keep up and she was grateful to the team for their donation and continuous attention to the children. She further explained that the cost of supplying the children with daily snacks is significant and so she was happy for the assistance. In an effort to cater to all 13 children, the staff each pulled their pockets and donated a minimum of $20.00 to ensure that their target was met. Harris also took the time to give back to its employees by awarding the staff member who best evokes inspiration and dedication; and who best embodies the customer-centric, "try harder" values on which the company was founded. This individual exemplifies Harris Paints' commitment and dedication to service. There is therefore no surprise that Cathilda Charles was chosen as the Employee of the Year. Cathilda is recognized by all departments as being highly approachable and positive, and favourable feedback from both internal and external customers is testament to her results-oriented work ethic and willing attitude. (PR)