Harris Paints & BH Paints

Quality You Can Count On

It has always been our mission at Harris Paints and BH Paints to provide our customers with paints that meet international quality standards and to customize our formulations uniquely to better withstand Caribbean climatic conditions.  And more importantly, we take steps to prove it.


Master Painters Institute (MPI) is the only independent third-party organization that sets performance standards for commercially available paints and coatings that has been adopted by the US and Canadian governments and their approved product list is the go-to reference for industry professionals such as architects and specifiers to identify brands and products that meet specific performance standards. The following products have been tested and qualified for MPI certification MPI’s Green Performance Standard rating is equivalent to the LEED v4.1 Standard:


Our premium and most popular products are submitted periodically to an independent, international test laboratory (CRGI Inc), specializing in paint and coatings. Products are evaluated against regional and international competitors’ products. During evaluation products cannot be identified to eliminate any chance of bias. CRGI has over 60 years experience and is certified by leading accreditation agencies.

Best by Test

Tests are performed to evaluate the leading characteristics of paint products against all samples.

These include:

  • Hiding
  • Adhesion
  • Washability
  • Fade Resistance
  • Block Resistance
  • Whiteness

Results are analyzed and rated against products in the same category and showed that overall, on average Ulttima Plus Flat, Satin and Porch & Patio outperformed regional and international competitors.


For decades, Harris Paints has utilized the latest technology to produce more planet-friendly formulations. All Ulttima Plus emulsions have been awarded the Green Wise seal which certifies they do not contain specific chemicals determined to be harmful to humans or the environment. The highest safety rating and Green Wise Gold seal has been awarded to the Ulttima Plus Pure Interior Paint products. Green Wise certifications are recognized by the Sierra Club, one of the most enduring environmental organizations in the US with 3.8 million members. You can learn more about Green Wise Certification here.

Operational Excellence

In order to deliver customers the quality we promise, it is essential to have a  framework for excellence and continual improvement throughout our operations. To that end our our business processes are reviewed and evaluated by SGS and certified to ISO 9001:2015.

To learn more about our special technologies click here.