Harris Paints & BH Paints

Graydon Sealy Secondary Gets Paint Job

April 21, 2013 1 min read

Graydon Sealy Secondary Gets Paint Job

WHEN the new school term begins on Tuesday, several students of the Graydon Sealy Secondary School will be entering into six newly painted rooms thanks to the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), who partnered with Harris Paints and Carter's to spruce up these areas. This project by the Chamber forms part of The Revitalisation of Bridgetown Initiative and the work of the BCCI Social and Community Committee for 2012/2013. It is also stage two of the Chamber's continual partnership with and work at the school after adopting it in late 2011. The six rooms at the school, which have been painted, include four classrooms and two changing rooms. Principal of the Graydon Sealy Secondary School, Matthew Farley, while speaking to media at the school on Saturday, revealed that it is the long-term goal of the Chamber to paint the entire school. He also thanked BCCI, Harris Paints and Carter's for their support. He stated that such support is "a demonstration of the extent to which in a situation of hardships, the private sector and the public sector could collaborate in the interest of the nation's children because in the final analysis â the benefits will accrue not just to the school, because the school itself really is just a building, but to the students who are the future of Barbados and this therefore is a commendable investment to which we are eternally thankful and indebted to all concerned. (AP) http://www.barbadosadvocate.com/newsitem.asp?more=lifestyle&NewsID=30196