Harris Paints & BH Paints

Harris Paints Celebrates 40th Anniversary

September 15, 2012 2 min read

Harris Paints Celebrates 40th Anniversary

On September 15th 1972, a small paint company commenced operations by repackaging ready made product in a hardware bond at the corner of Victoria and Middle Streets in Bridgetown, Barbados.

Now, 40 years later, Harris Paints operates in five (5) factories across the Caribbean in Barbados, Guyana, St. Lucia, Dominica and Jamaica, employing over 200 persons around the region and retailing its products in 15 countries.

That is a snap shot of what has grown to be the Harris Group of Companies, but the story is really one of determination and hard work on the part of a number of persons who believed in the concept of a home grown paint manufacturer. This organisation has built up a solid set of relationships with partners and associates that have assisted in its expansion over the years.

It is these relationships which were celebrated at the anniversary reception held at the picturesque Bagatelle Great House on the very day, 40 years later. Minister of Tourism, Hon. Richard Sealy, standing in for Prime Minister the Hon. Freundel Stuart delivered the Feature Address while guests heard from Chairman Ralph Johnson, CEO Ian Kenyon and Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing Luke Ticknor. Two Customer Awards and two Employee Awards were presented along with appreciation gifts to the founding members of the Company.

From small beginnings to a household name regionally, Harris Paints is now a major player in the coatings industry and operates fourteen (14) retail stores – the Harris Colourcentres, in addition to having over 1000 dealers across the Caribbean.

Over the years, the Company has won numerous awards but the crowning moments came in its 40th year when it won the 5 top prizes for Excellence at the St. Lucia Manufacturing Association Awards in March and four out of the top five awards at the National Initiative for Service Excellence in Barbados including the Prime Minister's Award for Service Excellence.

Innovation and originality were the watchwords of the Company over the years as a number of unique products were introduced and strategic partnerships formed resulting in a range of products that can be compared with any across the world.

CEO Ian Kenyon in his address at the reception, summed up the reason for the success of the organisation, "The Company that never sits still, that continually reinvents itself by listening to its customer base will always be a Company in demand," he said as he encouraged the staff and those present to press on to the next 40 years. (PR)